Advance care planning starts with you! It’s about thinking ahead, having discussions and writing down what’s important to you so your loved ones and health-care team can honour your wishes if you’re unable to speak for yourself. Use IH’s My Advance Care Plan to get started.
Interested in Advance Care Planning but not sure where to start? There’s a free class for that!
The class is a single session, facilitated by the KB Primary Care Network Regional Registered Nurses. The intended audience is individuals and family members who would benefit from and are interested in developing an Advance Care Plan. Topics covered include:
- The process, benefits, and limitations of Advance Care Planning.
- The importance of discussing Advance Care Plans with family, loved ones, and the primary care provider.
- Information on documents and resources to support Advance Care Planning.
1:1 follow up support is available to help further navigate the process if required.
Patients can self-refer by calling 250-365-4337.
Classes run regularly in person in Trail/Nelson/Castlegar/Grand Forks.
Virtual sessions are also available.
For more info on Advance Care Planning this is a great resource: Advance Care Planning | Healthy Living | IH (