Our Partners
We work in collaboration with health care partners to help shape improvements that strengthen patient & family centred care in our region.

Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice
Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice (KB Division) is a hub of local innovation in health care, and part of a BC-wide initiative designed to strengthen health care. Its membership encompasses all family physicians and nurse practitioners in the Kootenay Boundary.
KB Division provides funding and staff support to the PACC, and regularly engages with the PACC via presentations, discussions, and requests for patient input on current and emerging issues.
kbdivision.ca >

Interior Health
Interior Health provides staff support to the PACC, and regularly engages with the PACC via presentations, discussions and requests for patient input on current and emerging issues.
interiorhealth.ca >

Kootenay Boundary Collaborative Services Committee
The PACC is a working group of the Kootenay Boundary Collaborative Services Committee (CSC). The CSC is a collaboration between KB Division, Interior Health, Aboriginal representatives and patients with a mandate to transform the regional and local health care system into an integrated system of care.
CSC CoChairs attend PACC meetings quarterly to update the PACC and get patient input on current and emerging issues. One PACC CoChair participates in agenda planning for the CSC. 1-3 PACC members sit on the CSC and participate in discussions at meetings.

Patient Voices Network
PVN partners with the PACC to manage Committee recruitment and offer members access to PVN’s valuable support for patient partners. PVN offers resources, training opportunities, support, and a wider network of connections and opportunities for people who want to be actively involved as patient partners in health care.
patientvoicesbc.ca >

Selkirk College
Selkirk College is a Kootenay Boundary community college operating eight campuses in six communities, and offering a wide range of certificate, diploma, bachelor degree, co-operative education and continuing education programs.
The Selkirk College Rural Pre Medicine Program partners with the PACC to support and collaborate with 3rd year students on research projects relevant to patients and patient engagement. Selkirk College offers potential for more partnerships and engagement of students in health literacy.
selkirk.ca >

Patient Engagement in Research Committee
The Patient Engagement in Research (PEiR) Committee is an Interior Health committee that includes patient partners from across the Interior Health region. PEiR provides support to increase the ways that patients contribute to research, with the aim of improving the delivery of health services.
PEiR and the PACC share information and access to learning opportunities to strengthen each other’s work.
PEiR Committee >